
Fancy Cosas
$7.00 - $75.00

Black seed oil

Black seed oil

Egypt's answer to pure skin health
Discover the 2000-year-old health and skincare secret of black seed oil. Known as the seed of blessing. Black seed has been prized it's healing properties since time immemorial. Said to cure everything except death.
Derived from the buttercup plant in Egypt, this oil has become immensely popular throughout the world for its skincare benefits. Black seed oil contains a high vitamin, mineral and essential fatty acid content, which make it an amazing skin treat. The pharaoh Tutankamun even had a bottle of the oil in his tomb! Made in Egypt. Our Black Seed Oil is 100% pure cold pressed.

Over 200 studies have been carried out at international universities, confirming the benefits of black seed oil for health and skincare. Black seed is listed as one of the most effective antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and immune boosting agents around. Originates in Sri Lanka.
Ingredients: Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin Seed) Oil. Made in Egypt.

Shelf Life of 6 months to 1 year.

What black seed oil can do for you:

Heals psoriasis
Relieves symptoms of eczema
Moisturizes and heals dry skin
Can be used in massage
Stimulates hair growth
Great for sinus/allergies relief
Relieves headaches
Nourishes and strengthens hair
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Reduces inflammation or swelling
For weight loss:
Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil and a bit (1-2 teaspoons) of honey. Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil, teaspoon of honey and cinnamon, and a cup of water (use room temperature water for a better mix).
For diabetes type 1: For seven days take 6 teaspoons of the oil. Take the oil three different times of the day. Then take 2 teaspoons in the morning and 2 in the evening for 4 days. Follow by taking 2 teaspoons of the oil for two days. Take plenty of water in the morning and rub the oil all over the body for 10 days. You must mix the oil with fruit juice. Repeat this treatment if you do not see any improvement.
For breastfeeding mothers, black seeds are known to increase the breast refill rate (so that your breast is getting fuller of milk, faster).
If you have problems with your milk supply, especially due to insulin resistance (IR), you should definitely try this herb.
When to use: while breastfeeding
Possible side effect: may cause stomach upset if taken on a full stomach. To avoid this, take black seed oil with honey on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals.
Recommended dosage:
Seed form: 1 tsp of crushed seed, steeped in 240-ml water, drink 5-6x per day
oil form: 1 tsp 3x a day
How to use black seed oil: For healthy hair, mix a little black seed oil with your shampoo or apply directly to your hair as a conditioner. For beautiful skin, apply black seed oil to wet skin. Cover with a warm moist cloth and leave for about 20 minutes. Wash this off. Repeat this a couple of times a week to help reduce wrinkles, fine lines, or just to keep your skin soft and supple.
If you are heating black seed oil and using it as a a hot oil treatment then you do not need to wash it out. If you are using it as a conditioner, wash out a few minutes after use on skin or hair. You can use black seed oil on any area that needs an improvement and leave it there, or you can use it as a mask and wash it off after about 5-10 minutes. Made in Egypt